Source code for

"""Reader for TGLC light curve files.
Details can be found at
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u

from ..lightcurve import TessLightCurve
from ..utils import TessQualityFlags
from .generic import read_generic_lightcurve

[docs]def read_tglc_lightcurve( filename, flux_column="cal_psf_flux", quality_bitmask="default" ): """Returns a `~lightkurve.lightcurve.LightCurve` object given a light curve file from TGLC HLSP By default, TGLC's `cal_psf_flux` values are used for the `flux` column. No errors are provided by this HLSP. Note this reader does not use the TGLC_FLAG extension to inform the bitmask for the returned light curve, but those flags can still be accessed. More information on TGLC: Parameters ---------- filename : str Local path or remote url of a TGLC light curve FITS file. flux_column : 'CAL_PSF_FLUX', 'CAL_APER_FLUX', 'PSF_FLUX', or 'APERTURE_FLUX' Which column in the FITS file contains the preferred flux data? By default the "Corrected PSF Flux" flux (CAL_PSF_FLUX) is used. quality_bitmask : str or int Bitmask (integer) which identifies the quality flag bitmask that should be used to mask out bad cadences. If a string is passed, it has the following meaning: * "none": no cadences will be ignored (`quality_bitmask=0`). * "default": cadences with flags indicating AttitudeTweak, SafeMode, CoarsePoint, EarthPoint, Desat, or ManualExclude will be ignored. * "hard": cadences with default flags, ApertureCosmic, CollateralCosmic, Straylight, or Straylight2 will be ignored. * "hardest": cadences with all the above flags will be ignored, in addition to cadences with GSFC-ELEANOR-LITE bit flags of 17 (decimal value 131072) and 18 (decimal value 262144). """ lc = read_generic_lightcurve( filename, time_column="time", flux_column=flux_column.lower(), quality_column="tess_flags", cadenceno_column="cadence_num", time_format="btjd", ) quality_mask = TessQualityFlags.create_quality_mask( quality_array=lc["quality"], bitmask=quality_bitmask ) # TGLC FITS file do not have units specified. re-add them. for colname in ["psf_flux", "aperture_flux", "background"]: if colname in lc.colnames: if lc[colname].unit is not None: # for case flux, flux_err, lightkurve has forced it to be u.dimensionless_unscaled # can't reset a unit, so we create a new column lc[colname] = u.Quantity( lc[colname].value, "electron/s", dtype=np.float32 ) else: lc[colname].unit = "electron/s" # Calibrated columns are normalized, so they are unitless for colname in ["cal_psf_flux", "cal_aper_flux"]: if colname in lc.colnames: if lc[colname].unit is not None: # for case flux, flux_err, lightkurve has forced it to be u.dimensionless_unscaled # can't reset a unit, so we create a new column lc[colname] = u.Quantity(lc[colname].value, "", dtype=np.float32) else: lc[colname].unit = "" lc = lc[quality_mask] lc.meta["AUTHOR"] = "TGLC" lc.meta["TARGETID"] = lc.meta.get("OBJECT") lc.meta["QUALITY_BITMASK"] = quality_bitmask lc.meta["QUALITY_MASK"] = quality_mask lc.meta["NORMALIZED"] = True tic = lc.meta.get("TICID") if tic is not None: tic = int(tic) # compatibility with SPOC, QLP, etc. lc.meta["TARGETID"] = tic lc.meta["TICID"] = tic lc.meta["OBJECT"] = f"TIC {tic}" # for Lightkurve's plotting methods lc.meta["LABEL"] = f"TIC {tic}" return TessLightCurve(data=lc)